Ductless Systems Provide a Year-Round Comfort Solution

If you have an addition or converted space in your home, that area may not be connected to your home’s duct system. Often, additions and converted spaces like attics or attached garages are not built or remodeled to accommodate ductwork, so you might think you don’t have many energy-efficient options when it comes to heating or cooling that space. Fortunately, technology has advanced and today, there is a highly-efficient alternative to window AC or space heaters – ductless.

Ductless systems provide excellent energy efficiency because they use a heat pump system to keep your home comfortable. Unlike a traditional heat pump system, however, they don’t require ductwork. Instead, individual units are placed in each room, or in some cases, different zones, in your home. In this article, we’ll discuss ductless systems – and tell you how they can provide year-round comfort. Keep reading to learn more!

5 Reasons to Choose Ductless Systems for Your Home

As we mentioned above, ductless heating offers a highly efficient alternative to window air conditioning units or space heaters. But there are many other reasons to consider ductless for your home, including:

  1. Year-Round Comfort: Perhaps the biggest advantage to choosing a ductless system for your home is that it can provide year-round comfort. That’s because during the warmer months, the system can remove the heat from the air inside your home and pump it outside, effectively cooling your home. For homeowners who have had to rely on window or room AC units to keep cool and space heaters to stay warm, this offers a huge advantage, both in energy savings and overall home comfort.

  2. Improved Air Quality: Each ductless unit has a filter that keeps dust, dirt, and other particles out of your indoor air. These filters are generally easy to remove and clean, so you’ll be able to enjoy cleaner, fresher air in your home all year long.

  3. Quiet Operation: If you’ve used window air conditioning in the past, you know that it can be very loud. Most homeowners who have ductless systems are surprised at how quiet they are – often, they are as quiet as a whisper, so you can enjoy better comfort without sacrificing peace and quiet!

  4. Unobtrusive Installation: Ductless systems are usually installed high on a wall or in the ceiling, so they don’t take up a lot of space. Unlike window AC that can obstruct your view, or space heaters that can take up valuable floor space, ductless systems generally blend seamlessly into your indoor environment.

  5. Available Incentives: Because of their high efficiency, there are often rebates and incentives available on ductless heating and cooling systems. For instance, there are tax credits available for ductless systems available in our area from ENERGY STAR that can offer up to $2,000 on qualifying systems. 

How Can Standard Air Conditioning Co. help me get a ductless system for my home?

At Standard Air Conditioning Co., we’re pleased to offer complete air conditioning and heating services throughout the Knoxville area, including installation of ductless heating and cooling. Our technicians take a ‘service before sales’ approach to every call to make sure you are left with an affordable, reliable solution to your HVAC needs. When you need ductless heating and cooling for your addition or converted space, simply call (865) 855-6173, and we’ll be more than happy to help you.


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