How Can I Make the Most of My Home’s Heating System?

When the cooler weather rolls around, chances are you and your family rely on your home’s heating system to help you stay warm and comfortable. Heating your home can be costly, with the Department of Energy estimating that for the average homeowner, heating makes up around 29% of their utility bill. 

Fortunately, there are some ways you can help your heating system operate more effectively and efficiently. In this article, we’ll share some suggestions, and we’ll explain how Standard Air Conditioning Co. can help. Keep reading below to learn more!

5 Ways You Can Help Your Heating System Keep Your Home Warm

Want to help your heating system run at its best this season? Here are a few practical tips that can help it keep your home more comfortable and use less energy in the process.

  1. Make sure your home is well-insulated. When you have the proper level of insulation in your home, it helps keep the heated or cooled air inside, and the outdoor air outside. In the winter months, this helps your home stay warm and toasty, and it helps your home stay cooler during the summer, too. 

  2. Seal any drafty doors and windows. Often, doors and windows are the culprit when it comes to letting chilly air into your home. Check for drafts by holding a lit candle near your window or door. If you notice the flame flickering or going out, that means you have a draft. You can seal drafty areas with caulk or weather stripping, both of which are readily available at most home improvement stores.

  3. Consider the age of your thermostat. If you have an old, outdated thermostat in your home, it might be forcing your heating system to work harder than it needs to. That’s because as thermostats age, their sensors for accurately reading temperatures tend to degrade. Not to mention, modern thermostats are often made to be easily programmed, so you can set temperature more accurately for when you’re home, away, or sleeping.

  4. Let the sunlight in. Even when it’s cold outside, you can benefit from the warm rays of the sun. On sunny days, open your blinds and drapes and allow the natural sunlight to warm up your home.

  5. Check your HVAC filter regularly. One of the biggest causes of heating system inefficiency is a dirty filter. When your heating system is working hard to keep your home nice and toasty, its filter is also working hard to keep dust, dirt, and other particles out of your system – and out of the air in your home. If your filter becomes clogged, it’s that much harder for your heating system to function properly. Check your filter monthly and change it when it becomes dirty.

Following these tips not only helps you enjoy better home comfort, but also helps you save energy. And, that can mean less expensive utility bills.

When you need heating services for your home, count on Standard.

At Standard Air Conditioning Co., we proudly offer complete heating services to our customers. Whether you need heating system maintenance, repair services, or a brand-new system for your home, we can help. We have a staff of trained professionals that are ready to help you by coming to your home in Knoxville and providing you with the heat your home needs for the winter, and many winters to come. Call us now at (865) 855-6176 for an appointment and an estimate!


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